Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Clothing Choice Guide

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

After almost 10 years doing photoshoots — here’s everything I’ve learned about clothes! Follow the simple tips in this guide to make YOU the main subject of the picture and avoid poorly-selected clothing to take away from an otherwise great portrait!

Hint & Tip —  №1

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Buy new clothes

  • It’s common to assume that you have to buy new clothes for the shoot.
  • This though causes us to waste a lot of time and money.
  • And this ends up in not feeling comfortable at the shoot because we are not familiar with our new outfits. 
Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Bring what you have

  • In reality, it’s then the case that you’ve got everything you need in your closet.
  • So I suggest that you bring what you already have and love.
  • Doing this makes all the difference as you will feel at ease.

  Hint & Tip —  №2  

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Wear an eye-catching outfit

  • My clients usually think that you should wear an eye-catching outfit with multiple prints and patterns. 
  • Following this idea, we often create destruction. 
  • And the unwanted result is images that look like a clothes promotion rather than a personal photo session.
Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Simple is better 

  • I’ve found over the years that simple is better.
  • Remembering this, you should bring clean and easy outfits with no prints or patterns.
  • When we do this focus is on YOU, your face and your eyes rather than on your clothes.

  Hint & Tip —  №3  

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Do not layer clothes

  • A common misconception is that you should not layer clothes.
  • When we assume this, we do not bring our jackets or hats.
  • I’ve seen this then result in a one-dimensional boring image.
Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Layers and hats are great! 

  • In reality, it’s more often true that layers and hats are great!
  • And so the best thing to do is bring your favourite jackets, scarves and hats.
  • You will add texture to the picture and frame your face.

  Hint & Tip —  №4  

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

❌ Wear sparkling clothes to the shoot

  • It’s often believed that you have to wear shiny or sparkling clothes to the shoot.
  • When we believe this we make it very difficult for the photographer to achieve a good result. 
  • And the result is the reflection of your clothes on your skin. 
Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

✅ Choose natural colours 

  • The truth is that natural or neutral colours are always a safe bet.
  • When considering this, you should bring natural or neutral colour clothes that complement each other.
  • We get the best outcomes when we follow this strategy.

  Hint & Tip —  №5  

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Bring as many clothes as possible

  • A common myth is to assume that you have to have as many clothes as possible to wear in a photoshoot.
  • This can lead us to bring our entire wardrobe, in multiple suitcases.
  • And ultimately this ends up in confusion at the shoot and takes too much time to decide what to wear.
Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

Less is more

  • What professionals know is less is more when it comes to clothes.
  • And so instead of bringing our entire wardrobe the best thing to do is bring 3-5 outfits that you love.
  • This will then mean we can focus on getting the pictures right, and spend more time taking photos!

Your tasks:

(before our pre-shoot planning session)

(1) Take a look through your wardbrobe, and lay out some clothes you already have and love.  

(2) Consider removing any items which have dramatic prints or patterns — clean and easy outfits only.

(3) Add in a couple of layer items — jackets, hats, scarves are great!

(4) Try to get it down to 3-5 outfits if you can!  

Clothing Choice Guide. Gold Coast Portrait Photographer — Victoria Toldina

We can discuss what you have — and whether you need to buy any more clothes — at our pre-shoot planning session. Also, you can download PDF version of the Clothing Choice Guide here.